In order to be successful in the turfgrass management industry, you have to be a good communicator. What that means is being able to communicate to your crew members for what needs to be done and to communicate to the people who just play golf and decide rather you should have this piece of equipment or not. In this business, you really don't have to be that great at growing grass. What really moves you up in the rank to be a superintendent is communicating well to the right people. About 10 percent of the industry is growing grass the other 90 percent is communication. I have met some people through the years that were very good at communicating and some that needed to work on it. Also being a good communicator allows you to accomplish a lot more tasks on the golf course because of the organization with your crew and the way you treat them. When you communicate to others, you expand your network of people and can go big in your career and to ask for assistance if say you're having trouble identifying a disease or whats a good product to spray for dollar spot etc.. In my experiences when working on a golf course, I tended to work harder when my employer treated me with respect and that's a trait on good communication skills.
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